In 2022, ambulances across Australia responded to 3.9 million emergency and urgent responses. That’s 1 every 8 seconds!

It is important that should you require an ambulance that they can find you fast. How many entrances are there to your property and which one is closest to the patient? Are there remote or isolated areas that you need to direct an ambulance to?

epar has developed a poster that you can complete and display at locations throughout your site to help best direct the emergency services to you.  For example, you may have an incident at your loading bay and you want the caller to be able to provide emergency services with the information they require quickly. Simply complete the document as it relates to your loading bay and display it at the loading bay.  You may need to direct the ambulance to you at the maintenance building. Simply complete the poster as it relates to that building’s location and display it at the maintenance building. Use the poster to provide the information you need for the various locations throughout your site.

Once the posters are displayed in your workplace, we can add a picture and location of the poster to your epar S.M.A.R.T map. You will then be able to click on the icon for any poster displayed throughout your site and retrieve it instantly.